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Nouveauté à l’atelier

Nous nous sommes inspirées des cadres de certaines gravures de Louis Icart et nous venons tout juste de recevoir notre premier exemplaire. On adore le cadre circulaire avec impression sur papier photo métallique.  Le fini vieilli du cadre blanc est super. Offert également dans en noir ou brun choco.
Sur la photo: cadre de 4 pouces, image de 16 pouces pour un total de 20 pouces de diamètre.
Note finale? 12/10.

We were inspired by some of the circular etchings made by French artist Louis Icart. We just received our first copy of this circular print, printed on metallic paper and framed by a large 4 inch frame. Available in black and chocolate brown.
In the picture: 16 inch print, 4 inch frame for a total diameter of 20 inches.
The verdict? 12/10.
Get yours now!

Des petites dernières

Pendant que Père Noël s’amusait à parcourir le globe pour la distribution de cadeaux, nous avons parcouru le sud-est du Québec et photographié de nombreuses familles, réunies pour le temps des fêtes. Voici quelques-unes de nos images préférées.

Bringing Sexy Back

We did an amazing boudoir session this past week.

To many people, Boudoir photography may be perceived as superficial, tasteless, self-indulgent, voyeuristic… However, as with most sessions, this one particular shoot proved to have moved and transformed both the photographer and the subject.

This shoot was about reclaiming a sense of self as a woman: vibrant, passionate, confident, sexy and strong. The session did just that. The results show images of a confident, serene and gorgeous bombshell who came into the shoot thinking and acting the opposite. Confidence, maturity and self-esteem are so sexy! We’re privileged to be able to witness the transformation that happens during such a shoot.

So it isn’t about the lingerie, the hair, the makeup, the jewelry, the shoes (well… maybe a little bit…), … True beauty is about the inner fire, the presence and the firm belief that a woman is all that and more.

B: comme dans Boudoir || B is for indulging Boudoir

Oui, la grisaille est de retour et le froid aussi. C’est donc l’occasion idéale de se réchauffer en s’offrant une séance photo boudoir. Les mots d’ordre sont: bon goût, féminité, élégance, luxure et plaisir.
On a 20, 30, 40, 50 ou 60 ans qu’une seule fois, non? Faites ressortir la diva qui sommeille en vous; vous serez surprise du résultat. Nous planifions ensemble la session à l’avance et faisons appel à une maquilleuse professionnelle.

Un lien vers un site de référence en matière de la photographie boudoir:

Comme nous faisons preuve de discrétion avec toutes nos clientes; contactez-nous directement afin de voir quelques exemples d’images.

♥ ♥

Yes, it is colder and darker out. Why don’t you bring in some warmth and sizzle into the bedroom by treating yourself, and your significant other by the same token, a Boudoir shoot.

What is boudoir? Depends on who is taking the images. At Abelle, they are elegant and feminine images destined to show yourself in the best possible light. You’re only 20, 30, 40, 50 or 60 once, right? Bring out the underlying sexy and womanly self. You’ll be surprised at just how great you really look.
Discretion, tastefulness, subtlety, fun and luxury are the operative words. We plan the shoot ahead of time and bring in a makeup artist before the shoot.

Here are some great links to discover a bit more about the whole experience.

Due to the intimate nature of the images, sample images are not shown directly on the website. Contact us directly and we will share some sample images with you.

“fall in love with Love again,
a breath at a time,

feel that,
as you let your shoulders sink,
allowing you
to sink deep into the core of you,
the belly of you,
the home of you
where soul is just “hanging out”
waiting to play with you

are you willing to breathe deeply,
allow, so gently,

a breath at a time,
to fall in love with Love again,

– Kuan Yin